UNITED NEWS [Series Title]
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- Title: UNITED NEWS [Series Title]
- Film Number: UNY 92
- Other titles:
- Summary: Edition of US-produced wartime newsreel reporting the Battle of Kwajalein, in the Marshall Islands, during the Americans' Central Pacific campaign.
- Description: United News main titles. 'New films of U.S. victory in the Marshall Islands'; an animated sketch of the Marshall Islands shows Eniwetok, Kwajalein, Utirik, Wotje, Maloelap, Jaluit and Milil. A box highlights Kwajalein; close-up of Kwajalein shows Tabik Channel, Mellu Channel, Roi-Namur, Gea Channel and Kwajalein; arrows move to Roi-Namur and spread along the atoll. More arrows from the south at Kwajalein. Ships at sea with aircraft overhead. A cruiser opens fire (two funnel caps). Bombardment of the beaches. On the beach a stationary Stuart tank and American troops including a signaller, close to camera. American gunners man a light howitzer. Looking across the lagoon to the opposite atoll with smoke drifting. More views of the guns in action. A pile of discarded artillery ammunition. Landing craft coming ashore. View from a landing craft. Men on the beach. American troops going forward; some of the men have large black and white recognition panels on their backs. A dead Japanese soldier (a sniper?) lodged in the fork of a tree. Mortars in action. Troops advancing amongst wreckage. An explosion. An M10 Wolverine tank destroyer goes forward. A flamethrower operator torches a collapsed wooden building. Wide shot shattered trees and drifting smoke with men foreground. Crew of a 37mm anti-tank gun in action. A wounded man (shot in the hand?) is attended by a medic. Anti-tank gun. A shot apparently taken between two riflemen, with the spent cartridge casings of the rifleman to the cameraman's left flying across frame in the foreground, and the muzzle and bayonet of the righthand rifleman entering frame right; a short distance in front of the camera a figure (a Japanese soldier?) runs left-to-right, apparently being shot at by the soldiers in the foreground, who stumbles out of sight after two near misses. Sherman medium tanks (767th Tank Battalion?) in action. A bowing Japanese soldier surrenders to a group of Americans who have a loudspeaker with them (a psychological warfare section?). More prisoners are taken; one has a white flag. Prisoners are searched. One prisoner talks to his captors; he gestures as if to indicate the size of something. Two prisoners by a tree. A prisoner is interrogated. A prisoner (a Japanese marine?) wearing a cloth with an anchor on it, smokes a cigarette. A prisoner with his arm in a sling passes camera under guard. Another prisoner is helped along, limping heavily. More captives driven away on a tracked carrier. Japanese prisoner drinking from waterbottle. Prisoners' wounds are tended. An American military policeman kneels next to a prisoner who smokes a cigarette and lies back on a stretcher. A wounded prisoner, his back and legs covered in bandages, sitting on a stretcher. A group of men (prisoners or islanders?) and a few women wave to the camera. A prisoner speaks to an American (a tank crewman?). Close-up of a hand writing on a prisoner of war identity tag. Prisoners wearing the tags around their necks; they have apparently been issued hats and clean clothes. Beach with dead bodies. A dead Japanese gun crew around a light artillery piece. Various shots Japanese dead. American wounded are brought in and treated. A dixie is taken off a cooking fire. Men eating hunks of meat. Close-up man smoking. A group of officers in conversation including Admiral Chester Nimitz. A junior officer speaks with a three-star officer (Admiral Raymond Spruance?); a two-star general is also present. Party of officers, including Nimitz, leaving by jeep. The party of officers with a United States flag flying from an embankment or ridge. The Admiral Nimitz at sea, transferring from one small boat to another. US flag. Nimitz waves. United News end title.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNY 92
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: IWM
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1944-02
- Production Country: United States of America
- Production Details: Office of War Information (Sponsor) United Newsreel Corporation (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: Nimitz, Chester William (person) Spruance, Raymond A (person) United States Marine Corps, 4th Marine Division (regiment/service) United States Army, 7th Infantry Division (regiment/service)
- Keywords: Kwajalein 1944, Gilbert and Marshall Islands, Pacific War 1941-1945, Second World War (event)
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 770 ft; Running time: 9 mins
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