Summary: The work of the Empire Test Pilot School at Cranfield.
Description: In the world's only "university" of this type, pilots from many nations are instructed in the theory and practice of the advanced flying required of test pilots. The film opens with general shots of the establishment and aircraft; a "course-opening" party at the Mess introduces the students and the School's Commander, Group Captain Wilson. 'Introductions' to other instructors follow. A typical day starts with a lecture (at 8.00 am to leave time for a full day's flying) followed by practical work; in the example filmed, both are on 'positional error' (altimeters etc) checking: an American makes 2 controlled flights at 50ft in a Meteor to determine error. Continuation of the course is implied by crosscutting students' progress charts with brief film of exercises in various aircraft. Another lesson and practical, on 'asymmetric handling' (flying and landing a Lancaster with 1 engine feathered) and more "social" film indicates growing competence and camaraderie. Closing speculation on "peace or war?" use of skills acquired.
Production Details: Ministry of Supply (Production sponsor)
Central Office of Information (Production sponsor)
Horizon (Production company)
Film Producers' Guild (Production company)
Munden, Max (Production individual)
Rayner, Albert (Production individual)
Munden, Max (Production individual)
Hall, Henry (Production individual)
Kettlewell, Kay (Production individual)
Procopides, N (Production individual)
Hilton, Ernest (Production individual)
Chagrin, Francis (Production individual)
London Symphony Orchestra (Production individual)
Hollingsworth, John (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Wilson (Group Captain) (person)
Empire Test Pilot School (regiment/service)
Keywords: aircraft, British - combat: Avro Lancaster (object name)
aircraft, British - light military: Gloster Meteor trainer (object name)
recreation, British air - social: party (object name)
training, British air - specialist: test pilots (object name)
GB, England & Cranfield, Beds <Empire Test Pilot School> (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 2
Footage: 1540 ft; Running time: 16 mins