Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information newsreel trailer stressing the importance of using complete addresses on all post.
Description: The film opens with a postman walking down a suburban street and a woman looking disappointedly out of her front room window as he passes her house. The commentary states "don't blame the postman lady, it is not his fault. Your letter would be here by now if it had been properly addressed. The GPO does its best, but it is up to the public to do its part". Shots of women sorting letters and examples of inadequately addressed letters with no house number or postal district. The commentary explains that letters are first sorted by county, illustrated by signs for various counties including Yorkshire and Surrey. Shots of different women sorting post. An animated map of England points out that there are towns with the same name, for example St Ives in Cornwall and Huntingdonshire and numerous towns named Walton. Brief view of an envelope addressed to a Mr Roberts in Walton which is covered with multiple postmarks indicating that it has travelled around the country to find the correct town. The commentary continues "to business people time means money "view of a business man sitting behind his 1930's style desk writing correspondence, "so to avoid delay you should always have your full postal address on your letterhead". A hand writes the number, street name and postal district on a sheet of headed notepaper belonging to the company James and Sons Ltd, Liverpool. A postman delivers a letter to a woman and a young girl standing waiting outside the front door of a suburban house with the commentary "remember a few more seconds spent in addressing the envelope means hours saved in delivery". The film ends with a static shot of a closed front door and the caption CORRECTLY ADDRESSED ENVELOPES ENSURE SPEEDY DELIVERY.