UNITED NEWS [Series Title]
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- Title: UNITED NEWS [Series Title]
- Film Number: UNY 138
- Other titles:
- Summary: Edition of US-produced wartime newsreel, featuring a demonstration of a new C-97 transport aircraft; the return of American troops on home leave; women in various branches of the United States armed forces around the world, and fighting in Philippines as American forces approach Luzon.
- Description: Part 1: United News main title. 'New transport plane for Army'; a C-97 transport aircraft (a converted B-29 bomber, looking noticeably less sleek) is tractored out of a hangar. Various views of the aircraft on the ground, including its rear cargo ramp with a lorry, a jeep and a field gun being taken on board. The ramp is retracted. Crew boarding. The aircraft taxiing and taking off. Aerial footage C-97 in flight. Part 2: 'US veterans return on furlough'; troops on leave disembark from a troopship at New York harbour. They are handed cartons of milk (?) and hot drinks. They take a boat trip. A corporal (?) of the 101st Airborne Division, smoking. A soldier of the 82nd Airborne Division. Troops pass camera. Part 3: 'Women in the war'; women of the SPARS (United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve) at work sending Morse code and typing. A contingent marches past camera. Women are handed pieces of paper (certificates?) by Dorothy Stratton, SPARS commander. A troopship; onboard are nurses of the Women's Army Corps in steel helmets. Close-ups. Disembarking and walking off the quay. Carrying kitbags to tents. Another troopship carrying a contingent of black nurses. Close-up. They are welcomed on disembarkation by General Davis. Marching off. In the Pacific a stretcher case is put aboard a Dakota transport and greeted by a United States Army Air Forces nurse. Aircraft interior; nurse tends to patients onboard. View through the cockpit windscreen. At Fort Meyer in Virginia, Private First Class Mary Jane Ford is decorated with the Soldier's Medal. Close-up of the medal and of PFC Ford. March past. Part 4: 'Philippines - the road to Luzon'; map of the Pacific to map of Philippines with Luzon, Bataan, Manilla, Leyte, Mindanao and Davao marked. Closer map shows an arrow looping around southern Leyte to Ormoc. Troops coming ashore. Vehicles drive off landing craft. Troops on the march. HMC passing. General Bruce in discussion over a map. Troops in cover. An M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage firing. Smoke rises from a treeline in the distance. The infantry with an M8 nearby. Smoke in trees. Long lens view of an explosion. High shot troops crossing a river and a shingle beach. Huts in foreground with shrapnel bursting in the distance. Troops go forward. More shrapnel bursts. A casualty is carried across a river on a stretcher. A tank destroyer. Casualty carried on stretcher. A walking wounded man is helped along. A stretcher is carried by bearers with an M8 following behind them. More stretcher cases seen passing. A wounded man lies on a stretcher; a man wafts his face with a palm leaf. Men being bangaded. Man put onto an ambulance. More of wounded. Map of the Philippines; arrow points to Mindoro from Leyte. Landing craft underway. Aerial view of the landing craft heading ashore. Naval bombardment. Troops disembarking a landing craft, apparently under fire. Troops going forward. A B-24 Liberator bomber passes at low altitude. Troops moving up. Jeeps pass. Civilians applaud passing lorries. More vehicles drive off landing craft. End title.
- Alternative Title:
- Colour: B&W
- Digitised:
- Object_Number: UNY 138
- Sound: Sound
- Access Conditions: IWM
- Featured Period: 1939-1945
- Production Date: 1944-01-19
- Production Country: United States of America
- Production Details: Office of War Information (Sponsor) United Newsreel Corporation (Production company)
- Personalities, Units and Organisations: United States Army Air Forces (regiment/service) United States Army, 82nd Airborne Division (regiment/service) United States Army, 101st Airborne Division (regiment/service) United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS) (regiment/service) United States Army, Women's Army Corps (regiment/service)
- Keywords: Philippines Campaign 1944-1945, Pacific War 1941-1945, Second World War (event)
- Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W Sound format: Sound Soundtrack language: English
- Technical Details: Format: 35mm Number of items/reels/tapes: 1 Footage: 907 ft; Running time: 11 mins
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