Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information newsreel trailer encouraging the pubic to save kitchen scraps to be turned in to poultry feed.
Description: A cockerel crows and a land girl releases the wooden doors to chicken coups. Close-up of the cockerel who calls out "Come on my pretties, breakfast" The chickens crowd around their food bowl and one calls to another "Breakfast is served, Mrs White". The cockerel continue "To work girls, get cracking, remember our target, one egg a day". The chicken, Mrs White, replies "I want to do my bit goodness knows, but I can't lay eggs in that peck of food, so I am going to see the management" and strolls off across the farmyard. The farmer speaks to Mrs White who is sitting on top of a mechanical tiller "You see my dear, I am not allowed much meal or grain to give you and we haven't enough kitchen scraps to make a decent meal. You'd better talk with my corn merchant". The chicken Mrs White, wearing a bonnet and small cape, looks out of the window of a moving bus. The corn merchant, standing in his shop full of animal feed, tells Mrs White "I am sorry madam, I am only allowed to supply you with your ration of poultry food, I know it is small, you'd better see the Ministry of Agriculture". An official of the Ministry of Agriculture explains to the chicken seated on his desk that he appreciates her predicament and a solution has been found. There is to be a nationwide collection of household scraps to be turned in the chicken feed, which is ration free and will solve the poultry keeper's problem. The chicken Mrs White thanks the official and leaves a token of her gratitude - a newly laid egg. The film ends with the title FOR MORE EGGS SAVE KITCHEN SCRAPS
Production Details: Ministry of Supply (Production sponsor)
Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Spectator (Production company)
Luff, B (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 170ft; Running time: 1 min 45 secs