Summary: Miscellaneous stockshots of leading Allied naval officers, circa 1918, many duplicated from other films.
Description: I. Nelson's Column decorated for a war bonds rally. II. Admiral Sturdee poses with vice-admiral's flag flown at the Battle of the Falkland Islands. III. Beatty and Rodman shake hands, posed between the 15in guns of Y turret, HMS Queen Elizabeth. IV. Samuel Gompers and entourage go onboard Queen Elizabeth for a meeting with Beatty. V. Medium close-ups of Captain Crease (?), Admiral Wemyss, Captain T S Lyne, and Admiral Sims, USN. VI. Medium shot of White Ensign at head of flagpole, and similar shot of Union Jack with iris fade effects. VII. Medium close-up profile of Admiral R'onarch on HMS Broke (cf IWM 551/04). Medium close-ups of Jellicoe, Tyrwhitt and Keyes. VIII. King George V, Admiral of the Fleet, boards a train. Close-up of King. Sequence showing HM and Beatty being piped onboard Queen Elizabeth for decoration of "Naval heroes". Medium close-up of King in naval uniform - background suggests he is in a park. Medium shot of Queen Mary, walking away from camera along deck of Queen Elizabeth. Facial close-ups of the King. IX. Low-angle medium close-up of fluttering Stars and Stripes. Close-up of Admiral Sims. Medium close-ups of Commodore Luce (cf IWM 570), Admiral Rodman, Sir Eric Geddes, Wemyss, Tyrwhitt, and Admirals de Bon and di Revel (cf IWM 563). Medium shot of Beatty and staff, medium close-up of Sturdee, and pan along line of newly honoured officers at presentation of the Order of the Rising Sun. Medium close-ups of Rear-Admiral Hope (?), Admiral Sims, Captain Twining, Admiral Funakoshi, de Lostende, and Rodman. Wemyss and Pringle onboard USS Melville (cf IWM 564). Sturdee, Pakenham, Tyrwhitt and Hope. Final medium shot group of "Heads of the greatest naval armadas the world has ever known" - Sims, de Bon, di Revel, Geddes, Duff, Jellicoe, etc.
Production Details: Admiralty (Production sponsor)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton (person)
Beatty, David Richard (person)
Rodman, H (person)
Gompers, Samuel (person)
Crease, T E (person)
Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine (person)
Lyne, Thomas J S (person)
Sims, William Sowden (person)
Ronarc'h, Pierre Alexis (person)
Jellicoe, John Rushworth (person)
Tyrwhitt, Reginald Yorke (person)
Keyes, Roger John Brownlow (person)
George V, King (person)
Mary, Queen (person)
Luce, John (person)
Geddes, Eric Campbell (person)
Bon, F J J de (person)
Thaon di Revel, Paolo Emilio (person)
Hope (Rear-Admiral) (person)
Twining, M C (person)
Funakoshi, K (person)
Lostende, M de (Baron) (person)
Pringle, J R P (person)
Pakenham, William Christopher (person)
Duff, Allen F (person)
Royal Navy, Queen Elizabeth (regiment/service)
Keywords: ships, British naval - battleship: Queen Elizabeth (object name)
12/3(261.2) (event)
GB, England & London, WC <Trafalgar Square> (geography)