Title:THE STRANDING OF SS WAR-KNIGHT (ledger title) [Main Title]
Film Number:IWM 573
Other titles:
Summary: SS War-Knight beached in Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight, after striking a mine, March 1918.
Description: High-angle medium shot from cliffs overlooking the bay to starboard bow of War-Knight as she lies awash in slight sea - waves run over the focsle well deck. Similar shot from higher viewpoint - an oval frame appears in latter part of sequence. Medium shot off starboard beam, panning from stern to bow. High-angle medium shot from the cliffs to the stranded ship in a choppy sea - she has settled further, and waves are breaking over much of the superstructure. The funnel rocks slightly in the swell. Medium shot off the starboard beam, showing the amount by which the ship has settled.