Summary: The town of Ostend and abandoned German coastal guns, immediately after the Allied re-occupation in November 1918.
Description: Various views of town landmarks - some of them "wantonly" destroyed by German troops. The Stars and Stripes and the Blue Ensign fly before the Kursaal. The town appears almost deserted. The Palace Battery - camouflaged 9-inch guns in shallow pits. Long shot of monitors outside the harbour. Admiral MacGregor and his staff pose for the camera. Tirpitz Battery. Hulk of the Vindictive, and the grave of her captain. The burgomaster talks with Captain Wedgwood Benn. Final medium shot as a small crowd cheers for the camera, and waves Union Jacks and Tricolours.
Production Details: Admiralty (Production sponsor)
Engholm, F W (Production company)
Engholm, F W (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: MacGregor (Admiral) (person)
Wedgwood Benn (Captain) (person)
De Vries, M (person)
Royal Navy, Vindictive (regiment/service)
Keywords: ships, British naval - cruiser: Vindictive & [expended] (object name)
weapons, German - gun: 9-inch coastal gun & [captured] (object name)
demolition, German - denial: [abuse] (object name)
society, Belgian - friendship (object name)
society, British military - friendship (object name)
celebrations, Belgian - liberation (object name)
12/3(261.2).841 (event)
01/3(4-15).9 (event)
Oostende, West Flanders, Belgium (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 872 ft; Running time: 15 mins