Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information animated puppet newsreel trailer encouraging householders to search for rags for the war effort.
Description: An animated puppet film with a commentary spoken by the child Annie "I am little Annie and I have made a salvage book, that shows you how to salvage rags and tells you where to look". The puppets - mother, father and the child Annie search their home for rags for salvage.
Title card A IS FOR THE ARMY "A is for the Army hut to help to keep it dry, felt is made from salvage rags so rags we must supply. We rummage through the cupboard and underneath the stairs, salvage is a treasure hunt - there is always treasure there." The puppets look in the understairs cupboard for rags.
Title card B IS FOR BANDAGING "B is for bandaging Britain needs her share, we rummage through our wardrobes and give what we can spare. Father's oldest trousers - awful looking bags - Father says they are comfy still, Mother says they're rags". The puppets search through a wardrobe.
Title card C IS FOR CAMOUFLAGE "C in for camouflage..... string, rags and sacking are needed by the tonnes." The puppets look through a trunk in the loft and the Father loses his footing and falls down the loft ladder onto a pile of rags.
Title card D IS FOR DUTY "D is for duty to give up all we can, to the rag collector when he brings round his van. Now we've hunted through the house, searched on every floor, just another little thing to help to win the war."
The film ends with the caption "LET YOUR RAGS DO THEIR STUFF"
Alternative Title:RAGS SALVAGE [Alternative Title]
Production Details: Ministry of Supply (Production sponsor)
Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Rotha Productions (Production company)
Bradshaw, L (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 143 ft; Running time: 1 min 25 secs