Summary: Second World War British Ministry of Information animated cartoon newsreel trailer encouraging people to search their homes for salvage.
Description: The cartoon opens with an image of a seaman standing on the top of a coastal lighthouse looking out to see through a giant telescope. Through his lens is seen a coal ship arriving in Newcastle, to the surprise of a dock worker, and a ship laden with carefully sorted salvage. The commentary states "To carry coal is a vain occupation, if Newcastle is the destination. The same with paper, scrap and bones, enough of these are in our homes". The telescope turns inland to homes "If you but search your house or flat you will soon find this". Images of newspapers turning into wadding, books turning in to mortar shell cases, old shoes and a hot water bottle turning into a gas mask, saucepans turning into a bayonet, bones turning into fertiliser, bone meal, glue and grease and the commentary asks "do you like you bacon lean or fat?" over images of a vegetable waste turning in to a pig and a chicken and then turning in to eggs and bacon. The cartoon returns to the image of the seaman standing on the top of the lighthouse with the commentary "let's save each bit of scrap we can, we've better use for ships and men", followed by repeat shots of the coal ship and the salvage ship ending with a shot of a convoy on the horizon.
Production Details: Ministry of Supply (Production sponsor)
Film Traders (Production company)
Hollering, George (Production individual)
Strausfeld (Production individual)