Summary: Footage of RAF operations against ELAS forces in Athens.
Description: (Roll 25, 21/12/1944) RAF Beaufighters, filmed from the ground, rocketting ELAS positions and disappearing behind Lykabettos Hill in Athens. (28/12/1944) An RAF Spitfire takes off from an airfield in or near Athens, and a Beaufighter lands. British troops positioned in a street in the Athens area fire 25 pounder guns. (Roll 26? - no slate) More shots of 25 pounder guns being fired. (Roll 27?, 3/1/45 - no slate) Ground crew prepare 6-inch rockets for Beaufighters by attaching the fins, screwing on the warheads and placing them in the slides on the aircraft wings. (Roll 28, 4/1/1945) Spitfires taxi past and take off. Air Commodore Tuttle (AOC. Greece) and colleague survey Athens through binoculars from the top of Lykabettos Hill. A long shot shows smoke rising from a street. A crowd is filmed from a balcony above hustling two or three people along a street and beating them (dope sheet identifies this as the lynching of an ELAS supporter).