Summary: Short piece of the actor George Robey showing how to spray potatoes with Burgundy Mixture to prevent blight, Britain, June 1918.
Description: Burgundy Mixture is a mix of copper sulphate with soda, shown being poured into a spraying wagon and sprayed onto the fields. Robey helps a farmer mix the fluid. A back-carried hand sprayer is used for smaller plantations. A blighted potato is the result of failing to spray properly. The film ends with Robey intoning "Let Us Spray".
Alternative Title:FILM TAGS [Allocated Series Title]
Production Details: Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Robey, George18691954British comedian: "the Prime Minister of Mirth", (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Robey, George (person)
Keywords: propaganda, British - practical (object name)
agriculture, British - arable (object name)
31/3(41) (event)
GB, England (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 137 ft; Running time: 2 mins