Summary: While suffering heavy losses themselves, British armoured units sap the strength of the panzer formations brought in to seal off 8th Corps' breakthrough in the Odon Valley.
Description: I. Sherman tanks belonging to the 3rd County of London Yeomanry (CLY) move up to attack German armour in the village of Mouen. A Sherman starts to 'brew-up' after receiving a direct hit from an armour piercing round. Airbursts from British artillery supporting the 3rd CLY's assault appear over the village. The cameraman examines a Panther Ausf A tank from the 12th SS Panzer Division knocked out in Colleville by a Sherman Firefly tank; fitted to its lower hull sides and track run are armoured skirts designed to protect it from hollow charge projectiles.
II. The cameraman examines three more Hitlerjugend Panther Ausf A tanks caught in an orchard during an abortive counter-attack on Cheux and destroyed one by one as they tried to escape. Among the discarded kit, papers and clothing scattered near the remains of one tank is a miniature chess board. 'Dropped' suspensions, charred rubber surrounds on the large-disced road wheels and pierced armour on one of the tank's turrets characterise the Panthers' dilapidated condition.
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations, War Office (Production sponsor)
Army Film and Photographic Unit (Production company)
Evans, L J (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: British Army, County of London Yeomanry, 3rd Battalion (Sharpshooters) (regiment/service)
Keywords: armour, United States - tank: M4 Sherman & [British] & [damaged] (object name)
armour, German - tank: Pzkpfw V Ausf A & Panther I & [wrecked] (object name)
combat, British - artillery bombardment (object name)
combat, British - armoured (object name)
01/5(4-16).232 [ Operation Epsom] (event)
Mouen, Calvados, France (geography)
Colleville-sur-Orne, Calvados, France (geography)
Cheux, Calvados, France (geography)