Description: United Nations have seized the initiative in North Africa, with the British advancing in the Western Desert and the Americans landing in Morocco and Algeria. Item considers the "perfect cooperation" between Air Vice Marshal Coningham's air power and General Montgomery's tanks and troops a vital factor in the success of the Eighth Army and also emphasises the importance of British material. Landings in North West Africa (aerial views of Casablanca, Oran and Algiers) have encountered political opposition from the French although hopefully "Darlan may break with Vichy and so sway the French Navy" (view of Admiral in civilian clothes at Vichy council of ministers presided by "doddering Pétain"). Outlook for both Allies and natives is bright, the former now heading for Bizerta and Tunis, the latter freed from the threat of being used as cannon fodder by the Germans, who have moreover now lost a source of supplies as well as many men taken prisoner.