Summary: I. "The other man's job. Making copper and brass tubes." After importation from abroad copper is refined at a factory where all the furnaces are electrically operated, then converted into tubing. "Without it we couldn't win the war."
II. "Mines and detectors." A newly established Army mine school in Italy familiarises soldiers with different types of land mine used by the Allies and the Germans and provides instruction in identification, defusing techniques, mine-laying and detection. A local peasant whose land was mined by the Germans asks for help; soldiers promptly detect and electrically detonate mines in his field.
III. "8th Army hits out as landing goes well." Italian soldiers guide pack-mules up snow-covered hills on the 8th Army front. Elsewhere New Zealand soldiers don snow-suits. Stationary Shermans pound a village until attacked by German dive-bombers which in turn are intercepted by Spitfires. Ground views also of medium bombers attacking Orsogna.
IV. "Allies turn on the heat in Pacific." a. Americans lay steel runway on Bougainville Island. b. Australians land Matilda tanks before attacking Sattelberg. c. Dramatic pictures of US naval task force under Japanese aerial attack.