Summary: A short cinema trailer using the dramatic device of a personal telephone call to the members of the audience, appealing to them to buy Second World War National Savings.
Description: A young woman answers a ringing telephone and declares that the call is personal, urgent and for you and then holds the telephone handset towards the camera (and the audience). The voice on the telephone states "This is a personal call to everyone in this theatre. Remember to keep on saving through your group, any post office, bank or savings centre". The young woman repeats "Keep on saving". The end title reinforces the message "KEEP ON SAVING".
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:COI 954
Access Conditions:IWM
Featured Period:1939-1945
Production Date:1944
Production Country: GB
Production Details: National Savings Committee (Production sponsor)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 70 ft; Running time: 1 min