Summary: Detailed instructional film for the Mk.9 Autopilot.
Description: Reel 1: “Part 1 - Introduction and Theory”. Film demonstrates the principles and design of Mk9 Autopilot as fitted in the Vickers Valleta. Explanation of power supply for system and auto-pilot. Explanation of displacement gyro and associated systems.
Reel 2: “Part 2 – Electronics and Mechanical Construction”. Various mechanical units and electronics of the Mk9 explored.
Reel 3: - Part 2 continued. Component parts described.
Reel 4: “Part 3 – Pilot's Controls”. Description of pilots controller and effect on autopilot operation. Graphic on operation of Autopilot system.
Reel 5: “Part 4 – Ground and Air Testing”. Purpose of this film is to show the ground and air testing procedures for the Mk9 Autopilot. Equipment required for ground testing listed and preparing aircraft for testing. “Check Power Supply”, “Check Switch Box” - checking various autopilot controls in conjunction with flying controls. “Check Servo-motor Drift” - tracking down faulty servo motors.
Reel 6: “Check Sense Of Servo Motors” - testing operation of gyro unit servos. “Check operation of Pilot's Controllers and Bank Datum” - ensuring correct functioning of pilot's controls. “Check Cross-level Monitor”. “Check Bank Monitor” - testing various actions of the gyro unit control responses. “Check Compass Monitor”. “ Make appropriate Potentiometer Settings for aircraft type” - as title.
Reel 7: - “Air Testing” Procedures for carrying out air testing of the Mk9 autopilot, “brief the pilot”, 'check power supply”, “check engagement”, “check operation of pilot's controllers”, “check lateral level”, “check performance in turns”, ”check compass monitor”, any adjustments to Mk9 should be carried out on the ground.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 237
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1946-1975
Production Date:1949
Production Country: GB
Production Details: ROYAL AIR FORCE (Production sponsor)
Science Films (Production company)