Summary: Dramatisation "dedicated to a proposition that a pilot who flies with safety will live to fly again”, featuring the fictional story of a flying instructor who is summoned by "St Peter" to try and stop pilots arriving in "heaven".
Description: Reel one: “Joe Instructor” climbs stairs to the gates of "heaven" where he is met by “St Peter”. Joe has been summoned to try and stop pilots arriving in heaven. Joe asks to see the pilots inside but Peter refuses to allow him in. Scene of pilots with angels wings. Joe selects various pilots to tell the tale of how they died.
Reel two: Further examples of pilot complacency resulting in accidents. Emphasis on pilots concentrating on the task of flying rather than being distracted by outside influences (e.g. girlfriends).
Reel three: Story of pilot failing to report hard landing resulting in damage to wing and another pilot takes off in same aircraft for airtest and wing fails during dive.
Reel four: The example of familiarity with an airfield being no excuse to ignore the “Airways Bulletin Board” notices in place for the safety of pilots. Carburettor icing risk. Pilot ignores advice to turn 180º if runs into bad weather resulting in crash. Another pilot shows off his 'barnstorming' skills.
Reel five: Barnstorming continued – ending in crash due to low level aerobatics. Joe Instructor returns to Earth and his aircraft – Summarises points made in film – carry out checklists, Read Form 1, never stretch a glide, oil temperature gauge, report damage, landing not complete until wheels stop rolling, Carb icing, Airways Bulletin Board, leave daydreams on ground, avoid bad weather, don't do aerobatics at low levels, “Fly with Safety”.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 532
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:
Production Date:1945
Production Country: United States of America
Production Details: Director of Air Traffic and Safety (Production sponsor)
First Motion Picture Unit Army Air Forces (Production company)