Summary: Dramatised account of the events following the shooting down of a United States Navy pilot over the Pacific Ocean by a Japanese pilot.
Description: Reel one: Pilot is shot down, parachutes into sea. Deploys life raft, while commentary describes equipment and “dinghy drill”. Importance of securing survival equipment to ensure it is not lost overboard. “Wango Island” on pilot's map is nearest land so makes for it.
Reel two: Importance of applying sunscreen and other ways of protection against dehydration sunburn.
Reel three: After being spotted by US Navy aircraft pilot awaits rescue. During storm raft capsizes losing some kit. Eventually makes it to a “dry island”. Finds fresh water after digging “well”.
Reel four: Foraging for food. Departs island to try to get to “Wango” - arrives on island. Cut from coral and importance of first aid treatment. Gathering green coconuts.
Cutting open coconuts. Pilot packs up kit to try and find civilisation on island. Further survival tips used to provide food. Meets a native islander and establishes a rapport with him. Reel five:
Reel six: Helps native islander with injury and asks to be taken to see island government. Native makes pilot a covering for foot (lost boot during capsize). Pair set off. Native leaves pilot to make better time due to pilot's injuries. Returns with provisions and note from island governor to await rescue. Seaplane arrives to rescue pilot.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 537
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1939-1945
Production Date:1944
Production Country: United States of America
Production Details: US Navy (Production sponsor)
Willard Pictures (Production company)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 6
Footage: 5454 ft; Running time: 61 mins