Summary: Film focusing on the role of Bomber Command as a nuclear deterrent in the early 1960s.
Description: Three methods of delivering nuclear weapons to choose from - free fall, Blue Steel or Medium Range Ballistic Missile. Bomber Command four elements which make it up – Medium Bomber Force, Missile Force, Saceur Force and Recce Force. Aircraft in the V-Bomber Force, Vulcan, Victor, Valiant and Canberra PR9. Crew scramble for exercise (Vulcan XH501 in background). Graphic showing effect of nuclear weapon dropped on London (Eros as target) compared to smaller Russian cities such as Moscow, Leningrad etc. Crew training in simulator. Victor XA927 landing after being talked down due to bad weather. Valiant XD816 being used as tanker in air refuelling shots. XD812 receiving aircraft. Valiants on overseas tours (WZ378 in background). Vulcans on dispersal abroad (XA907 in shot). Bombers can also be used for HE bomb missions, photo recce, (Victor XH590 in shot). Role of photo recce in helping to produce maps. Thor missile force – RAF combat training launches of Thor carried out in USA. RAF personnel shown playing football then having to react to alert – aircraft are sent to dispersal airfields. Beverley delivering crew and equipment. Victor XA927 being 'bombed up'. Victor XA924 taking off. Vulcan XH498 taking off. Valiant WZ399 taking off. Hastings transport ground crews. Vulcan XH499 (and others) shown on dispersal airfield. Skies watched by radar for any threat activity and Thor missiles readied. Victor XA939 (and 3 others) shown on pans. “Cockpit readiness” an option for dispersed aircraft. V Force bombers shown scrambling and taking off (XA939, WZ377, XH500, XA903, amongst them) and departing on predetermined routes. With no threat aircraft are recalled. Air Marshall speaks about important role of Bomber Command (Air Marshal Sir Kenneth B.B. Cross?).
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 556
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:
Production Date:1961
Production Country: GB
Production Details: AIR MINISTRY (Production sponsor)
Verity Films (Production company)