Summary: Training film aimed at RAF fighter pilots in the use of the gyro gunsight mark II D. As such the film comprises a series of animated diagrams accompanied by a very detailed, but clear, commentary. The very technical nature of the film assumes the pilot is familiar with basic gunnery principles. There is no film of the actual gunsight.
Description: The key is to obtain the correct amount of deflection of the gun to compensate for the distance travelled by the target since the attacking pilot fired his guns. This occurs when the pilot is firing whilst flying a curved path relative to the enemy aircraft. The Mk II D gyro gunsight calculates this deflection. The gyro gunsight has two sighting graticules, one fixed (air to ground attack) and one movable (air to air attack). The two are normally concentric, the gyro displaces the movable graticule from the fixed graticule when the aircraft is turning during attack or vice-versa. An allowance for the range is also made.
“Procedure”: The gyro is set to suit the aircraft type, and range. The diameter of the movable graticule is variable to compensate for the range, type of aircraft and is centred on the cockpit of the enemy aircraft when attacking.
“Errors to avoid”: The gyro gunsight can only apply the correct amount of deflection when the controls have set to suit the enemy target, as noted above. Throughout the film the narrative is extremely technical and best assimilated whilst viewing the diagrams.
Film ends with an enemy aircraft in flames going down as the successful RAF pilot flies past.