Summary: Instructional film about the various methods to calculate speed and direction of air travel.
Description: REEL ONE: Explanation of travelling through the air when wind has an effect on the speed and direction of travel. Explanation of the principle of Triangle of Velocities and how it is used to compute time and distance and direction. Explanation of the effect of drift and visual example of plotting course using wind velocity/direction and aircraft course and speed.
REEL TWO: Introduction of the Course & Speed Calculator instrument and use of it to calculate the triangle of velocities. Explanation of various settings and parts of the Course & Speed Calculator.
REEL THREE: Parts of and operation of the Course & Speed Calculator and examples of calculations.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 143
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1939-1945
Production Date:1943
Production Country: GB
Production Details: Air Ministry (Production sponsor)
Gee Films (Production company)