Summary: Detailed technical film focusing on the use of rocket projectiles on aircraft.
Description: Reel 1: “Part 1: The 3” Aircraft Rocket Installation” - scenes of Typhoons on ground attack using rocket projectiles and Beaufighter squadron over ocean (UB-M on nearest aircraft – 455 Sqdn RAAF) then rocket projectile firing Beaufighter with 2•D sqdn code (455 Sqdn RAAF). Description of 3” rocket and various explosive heads. “Assembling The Rocket” - as title. “Action on Firing” - animation of process of igniting rocket 'motor'. “Installation On Aircraft” - description of mounting beams on Typhoon aircraft and selector switches in cockpit.
Reel 2: Differing mounting options on Beaufighter, Swordfish, Hellcat, Thunderbolt (zero length posts), Mustang. “Harmonisation” - setting beams and sight to ensure correct line of departure. Setting aircraft up using harmonisation board aiming rocket beams and setting up sight. “Electrical Test” - Testing the electrical connection between the fire button and beams prior to loading rocket projectile.
Reel 3: “Loading” - Procedure for front and rear loading rocket projectile onto Wildcat and loading onto zero length posts on Spitfire. Shot of Beaufighter P6P (489 Sqdn RNZAF) taking off.
Reel 4: “The Aircraft Rocket Part 2” - This film should be used in conjunction with the Rocket Racket A.P.2802 C. - “Rocket Motion” Comparison of Rocket Projectile to a shell – initial speeds when firing and reduction due to air resistance over 1000yds. Drop of rocket versus shell over given distance compared. Characteristics of rocket projectile – Low launching speed, curved path, long time of flight. “Sighting” - effects of angle of beam in relation to aircraft flying attitude and varying lines of departure. Varying elements affecting flying attitude which also affect sighting rocket projectile. Skid speed effect on beam and zero launch of rocket projectile.
Reel 5: Range, angle of dive and sight depression affects trajectory of rocket. Wind speed and target speed factors explained. Summary of stages of attack.
Reel 6: “Part 3 – Air Firing” - Flying attitude, range, dive angle and target allowance factors to ensure hitting target. Film of Royal Navy Hellcat (S6•H code) firing RP.
Reel 7: (Part 3 continued)Typhoon IB RB266 in flight and firing rockets. Summary of stages of attack.
Reel 8: - “Part 4 Tactics Section 1 T.A.F.” Four Hellcats in flight (SB•F/M/O/P codes). Pre-briefed Army Support targets procedure explained (animation) finger formation to echelon to attack target. Film of Hellcats attacking target. Army Reconnaissance or opportunity targets explained. Typhoons carrying out attack.
Reel 9: “Part 4 Tactics Section 2 Coastal” - use of rocket projectiles as anti-shipping weapons. Usually carried out by sections of three aircraft. Film of three Beaufighters in flight. Dramatisation of RAF Officer giving briefing including animations. Three Beaufighters in attack.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 357
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:1939-1945
Production Date:1944
Production Country: GB
Production Details: Royal Air Force (Production sponsor)
Merlin Films (Production company)
British Thompson Houston Research Laboratories (Production company)
Marylebone Productions (Production company)
Howard, Trevor (Production individual)