Summary: Instructional film focusing on pilot navigation skills for low level flying.
Description: Reel 1: Lecture room setting and RAF senior officer speaking to aircrew on problems associated with high speed low level navigation. Picking out landmark features from the landscape helps with low level sorties. Examples of tips to help shown as low level film, railway lines, large buildings etc. Pre sortie briefing includes Wind Forecasts, Pre-Flight Planning, Strict Adherence To Plan.
Reel 2: Briefing and planning for “Operation Hedgehog”, flying from Hereford to West Raynham and the subsequent planning for the sortie. Landmarks and hazards along route mentioned. Preparing maps.
Reel 3: Hunter F1 WW642 on dispersal starting up and taxiing out and taking off.
Reel 4: Film of flight along route shown as lecturer narrates route and highlights navigation time check points.
Reel 5: Continuation of sortie. Back in lecture room for summation of sortie.
Production Details: AIR MINISTRY (Production sponsor)
Marcus Cooper Ltd (Production company)
Cooper, Marcus (Production individual)
Orchard, Harry (Production individual)
Parkhouse, Charles (Production individual)
Warwick, Vivian (Production individual)
Jack, Stephen (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: Colour
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 5
Length: 4222ft