Summary: Trials film produced by the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Boscombe Down, featuring English Electric Lightning XG313 undergoing rocket firing trials.
Description: Film opens with Lightning XG313 flying high. About thirty seconds later flames are seen to the rear beneath the cockpit area. Rocket is ejected forward and speeds away from the Lightning. A second rocket fires up and ejects. A second yellow box appears, same data as first except 7 run, and date; 080366.
Cut to view of Lightning as before except chase aircraft camera is closer – pitot tube clearly discernible. Flames to rear and several rockets are ejected in sequence. Film runs blank for several seconds, yellow box appears, same data as first except 11 run, and date; 270666.
Cut to view of Lightning as again except the chase aircraft camera is much closer, and after a delay a batch of rockets are again fired. Film runs blank and various headers comprising numerals only are seen.
A fourth sequence is filmed, not preceded by a yellow box. The already poor quality of the film deteriorates as much larger and longer flames, the length of the fuselage appear, as the single rocket is ejected. Film suddenly ends. It is not possible to identify the rocket from the film alone.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 670
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:
Production Date:1965-10
Production Country:
Production Details:
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Physical Characteristics:
Technical Details: Format: 16mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1