Summary: Documentary on the role of the RAF during Battle of Britain with personal recollections from participating pilots.
Description: Film of period leading up to the Battle Of Britain featuring archive wartime footage with modern shots of Spitfire and Hurricane. Brief mention of role of radar in defence of UK, contribution of Czech and Polish aircrew during defence of Britain. Night fighter interception of enemy aircraft and the importance of the ground crew (“The Many”) in supporting “The Few”. Film concludes with shots of Harriers and Tornadoes in flight to represent the modern RAF. Recollections to camera throughout from Wg Cdr Pat Hancock, Wg Cdr Peter Parrott, Air Chief Marshal Sir Christopher Foxley-Norris, Wg Cdr Roland Beaumont, Wg Cdr Alec Gilding, Flt Lt Raimund Puda, Sq Ldr Henryk Szczesny, Flt Lt Ludwik Martel, Flt Lt Ray Holmes, Fg Off Len Bowman, Sq Ldr Jim Green, Gp Capt John Cunningham.
Alternative Title:
Object_Number:AMY 924
Access Conditions:
Featured Period:
Production Date:1998
Production Country: GB
Production Details: Directorate of Public Relations (Royal Air Force) (Production sponsor)
Roymark (Production company)
Powell, Robert (Production cast)