Title:NOUGHT FEET : a film on low flying navigational techniques [Main Title]
Film Number:APY 15
Other titles:
Summary: Instructional film stressing the importance of preparation and an exact knowledge of the aircraft's position in the execution of low-level attacks.
Description: Film commences with a brief sequence showing a low-level attack by Mosquitos on Eindhoven. Elements of low-level navigation are illustrated by a mock raid on Cheltenham, starting from C del la Hague and crossing the English Coast around the Needles, Isle of Wight. The importance of landmarks - a long route with good pinpoints can be better than a direct one without. Taking of wind readings. Importance of working out a good flight plan with 'computer' calculated ground speeds and ETAs. Plotting course and drift lines on a map. Consideration of low level map reading - the use of contours, appearance and orientation of isolated features to compensate for a restricted field of view. Filmed flight illustrating use of compass, directional gyro and prepared flight plan. Course adjustments. Weaving. Conclusion: "Careful flight planning makes navigation a certainty instead of a gamble."