Summary: A film by the RAF Film Production Unit, describing the RAF's defence against the German V-1 flying bomb offensive.
Description: RAFFPU titles: "In Defence of Britain". Footage showing a V1 flying bomb with anti-aircraft fire bursting around. A building collapses. Clearing up. Map showing northern Germany with Hanover, Berlin, Hamburg, Rostock, Stettin, Lubeck, Kiel, Kolberg amd Peenemünde marked; commentary states that the V-weapons were not a surprise to British authorities. Footage of intelligence officer at work; RAF Bomber Command tasked with a "special job - wiping Peenemünde off the map" on 17/18 August 1943. Lancasters take off. Aerial footage of a raid in progress; "a tremendous blow, aimed straight at the heart of the Nazis' last hope". Footage of bombing raids against V-1 launch sites in France; commentary claims a hundred such sites were found and destroyed, and that this forced the Germans to use inferior mobile launchers. Explanation and footage of the anti-flying bomb defensive measures with cordons of barrage balloons, anti-aircraft guns and fighter aircraft. RAF Regiment gunners man 20mm Oerlikon guns. The Hawker Tempest is brought into action against the V1; Tempests of RAF 3 Squadron are seen. Footage of interceptions including gun camera footage. Royal Observer Corps; "a gigantic spiders web". Fighter control room with fighters being directed. Women of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force man a rangefinder and anti-aircraft guns of various sizes go into action. "Night and day the defence of Britain went on". Tracer fire at night with aerial explosion. Air Marshal Harris explicitly credited with diverting aircraft to attack launch sites etc "without reducing by one single aircraft our air offensive against the Nazi war machine".
Production Details: Air Ministry (Production sponsor)
Royal Air Force Film Production Unit (Production company)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Royal Air Force, 3 Squadron (regiment/service)
Royal Observer Corps (regiment/service)
Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Regiment (regiment/service)
Royal Air Force, Bomber Command (regiment/service)
Keywords: UK (geography)
Peenemunde, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany (geography)
V-Weapon Offensive 1944-1945, United Kingdom, Second World War (event)
RAF Raids on V-Weapon Sites 1943-1945, North West Europe, Second World War (event)
Aerial Warfare (theme)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 777 ft; Running time: 9 mins