Title:METHODS OF OFFENSIVE (PART 2) [Allocated Title]
Film Number:ADM 2564-2
Other titles:PASSIVE DEFENCE [Series Title]
Summary: Naval instructional film dealing with defence against gas attack.
Description: The format is that of a classroom lecture, scenes from which are intercut with the illustrative material. Naval personnel should be familiar with the wide variety of current offensive weapons and those potential weapons, the use of which remains a "real possibility", viz gases. If gas were to be used it would be in combination with conventional HE or incendiary devices. Simple precautions against blast, anti-personnel weapons, and unexploded mines. Methods of extinguishing an incendiary bomb. The means of disseminating gas. Gas-alert procedure. Precautions against spray - if a ship is sprayed with a chemical agent, on duty personnel should not leave their posts, "...vital work must be maintained despite all risks". Importance of rapid decontamination. Personnel should fix in their minds the probable pattern of gas attack and remember the broadcast warnings and appropriate responses. If common sense is allied to the knowledge gained from this film "... gas attacks will become just another of those little spots of bother that modern warfare creates".