Film Number:ADM 484
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Summary: Newsreel showing the fighting on Bougainville, November 1943-March 1944.
Description: CU of MacArthur and Nimitz. The location of Bougainville. LS of shore bombardment by destroyer's Ground support - MS of low-flying Dauntless (grenade simulates dropped bomb). 37th Infantry Division advances. Sherman tank. High angle MS of M3 half-track moving slowly along a jungle road. Jeep passes camera. Infantry advance - one is handed a grenade which he accepts without breaking step. MS of infantry advancing in two files, weapons slung. Repulse of the "infamous" Japanese 6th Division. MS and MCUs as infantry crouch to avoid fire. Infantry advance behind Stuart MS of jungle viewed through observation slit. Infantry fire mixed small arms for the camera - M1, BAR and Garands. Japanese grenade lands near the camera. MCU of explosion (white phosphorus) Infantry flamethrower turned on the fragments. Stretcher bearers. Men throwing grenades. MCU, grenade explosion. CU of Japanese dead in a trench. Abandoned bundle of cartridges. Japanese failed to recapture airfields, and suffered heavy casualties in suicide attacks on American beach-heads. CU as a GI picks up a Japanese bayonet. US wounded being carried to the rear. Complete victory in the Solomon Islands - US wounded did not fight in vain.