Summary: "Incidents dealing with the German Occupation are re-enacted by the Channel Islanders themselves."
Description: Opens with a boat secretly launched to England: "tell them we're having a tough time but the German can't get us down" sets the theme for film. Islanders are shown coping with shortage of food and clothing, transport difficulties; resistance to Germans (listening to BBC, clandestine news sheets (GUNS Guernsey Underground News Service), GPO workers suppress informing letters); some impression of effects of occupation (German soldiers and SPG's; fortifications; talk of 'slave labour'; closed down and derelict greenhouses, shops). Last days of the occupation: increasing shortages; Germans steal food after second visit of Red Cross ship Vega. Liberation: Islanders celebrate, enjoy unaccustomed abundance of food and clothing, start up "normal life" again; Germans put to work clearing mines, wire etc - Russian workers receive 'Pravda'.