Summary: LCI(L) carries supplies into Anzio and victuals an air-sea rescue launch.
Description: A Lieutenant RN on the bridge of a LCI[L] looks through his binoculars - it is a grey day and he wears a duffel coat against the cold. LS to ruined breakwater and wrecks alongside as the cameraship passes into the harbour. A LST begins its final approach to the shore. MS from the beach to LST 321 as it disembarks Bedford QL trucks - nearby is LST 366/N, and a third LST steams past just offshore. Along the beach a DUKW runs ashore - at right of frame a barrage balloon is being released. LSs over the anchorage show DUKWs plying back and forth. Contrails criss-cross the sky. LS over Oerlikon position in the bows of the cameracraft to a LST underway in the harbour. A LCT(5) passes close by - canvas awnings have been rigged over the vehicle deck. Black US troops help unload sacks of supplies from LCI(L)s into waiting trucks. MS-CU as a DUKW emerges from the shallows to run up the beach past the camera. Smoke drifts over the shallows - possibly from an incoming shell or bomb. General view of the anchorage with DUKWs moving among the ships. Sequence showing a cargo ship transferring nets of supplies into a LCT alongside. The cameracraft transfers stores to the BPB (British Power Boat) air-sea rescue launch HSL 179 - having received its stores the launch makes off but then circles to pass close by at speed, its crew waving to the men on the LCI(L). Sequence showing LCI(L) 102 (the cameraship ?) lying bows on to the ruined quayside - crew clean the Oerlikon in the bows as POWs carry sacks of stores from trucks up the starboard brow ramp and drop them down a hatchway to men on the troop decks.
Alternative Title:MEDITERRANEAN OPERATIONS OF THE ROYAL NAVY [Allocated Series Title]
Production Details: Admiralty (Production sponsor)
British Movietone News (Production company)
Fisher, Norman (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Royal Navy, LST 321 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LST 366 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LCIL 102 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, HSL 179 (regiment/service)
Keywords: ships, British naval - assistance: HSL 179 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LST 321 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LST 366 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LCI[L] 102 (object name)
supplies, British, movement [RA] - food (object name)
transport, British military - amphibious: DUKW (object name)
transport, British military - truck: Bedford 3-ton 4x4 QLD (object name)
operations, British naval - amphibious (object name)
Battle of Anzio 1944, Italy, Second World War (event)
Italy & Anzio, Latium (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: None
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 367 ft; Running time: 4 mins