Summary: British Cavalry training exercises at the Cavalry Equitation School, Cayeux, Western Front, 30 July 1918.
Description: A Cavalry troop makes a charge across the face of the camera, thrusting with swords or lances at sacks stuffed with straw on the ground. All the demonstrators are riding light, without bandoliers, valises or helmets, throughout. Lancers charge wooden mockups of field guns from the flank, thrusting at targets around the guns. Swordsmen charge knockover dummies their own height, representing mounted opponents. A high jump, "Lion's Leap", is leapt by ten riders. More swordsmen, riding in extended order, charge knockover dummies representing kneeling soldiers. About ten riders make an open order charge straight at the camera. They continue over a combination jump, with one dummy to strike before the jump and one after. Another jump, "the double Oxo [sic]" (should be double oxer), is coped with. Several riders manage to jump "Lion's Leap" with a second horse on a lead rein.