Film Number:ADM 2006
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Summary:Men of 45 RM Commando are addressed by Major-General Tower before flying out of Khormaksar in RAF Hercules transports.
Description:Royal Marines file past the camera carrying personal arms and kit. CU of General Tower as he watches a fork-lift loading a RAF Hercules C-130K. The soldiers begin to board. CU of the GPMG carried by one of the men. The transport runs up and is directed onto the field - an Army Sioux helicopter is parked in the background. LS as the Hercules takes off. Cut to HA onto 45 Commando fallen in on parade ground as General Tower, who has arrived by Land Rover, dismounts from his vehicle and puts the men at ease - the marines then gather round him to hear his address. Sequence showing the men's papers being checked before departure - Private Panton from Perth hands over his NAVAL PAY AND IDENTITY BOOK, with service record and ID card. A Sergeant looks through the papers and returns them. Final HA as detachment marches past camera - it is early morning and the men are stripped to the waist.