Film Number:ADM 128
Other titles:
Summary: A decontamination squad deals with an area heavily contaminated by blister gas.
Description: (Reel 1) A six man squad and leader await call to action, partially clothed in anti-gas rig, and with all necessary equipment already loaded onto a cart. When required, they finish dressing, are inspected and move to gas scene. Again inspected by leader, who at all times keeps hands clean, so he can adjust their equipment. Hose used to remove surface gas. Bleach paste prepared as neutralising agent, used to coat boots. CQ mixture prepared for coating paintwork. All contaminated equipment placed in bleach tray. (Reel 2) Materials to be decontaminated. Tar absorbs gas, becomes tacky - covered indefinitely with a bleach/sand mix. Bleach dust blows about - cannot be used on board ship or near machinery. Brick wall daubed with bleach paste, left indefinitely. CQ mixture daubed on paintwork, which gas has penetrated. No need to treat roof, as contact is unlikely, and weather will decontaminate. Grass must be burned, with care taken over fumes.
Production Details: Royal Navy School of Photography (Production company)
Personalities, Units and Organisations:
Keywords: equipment, British military - damage control: bleach paste (object name)
equipment, British military - damage control: CQ paste (object name)
equipment, British military - personal: anti-gas suit (object name)
training, British - specialist: anti-gas measures (object name)
training, British military - specialist: gas decontamination measures (object name)
weapons, British (?) - CBW: blister gas (object name)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 2
Footage: 1359 ft; Running time: 19 mins