Summary: Troop convoy to Sicily and shipping unloading in harbour and roadstead off Syracuse.
Description: I. Day and low light sequence showing a merchantman burning off the Sicilian coast - flames and a dense pall of smoke rise from the stricken vessel, and fuel oil burns on the sea after it has sunk.
II. Tracers are fired off at night.
III. Syracuse (?). LCI(L) crowded with troops approaches another secured alongside and disembarking troops. Signalman holding cable flags stands by port anchor as HMS Carlisle enters the harbour crowded with ships transferring troops and cargo to LCI(L)s. In the town a column of British troops march past the cameraman - they make V-signs, smile, give thumbs up. Locals sit about impassively. A group of Italian POWs have been rounded up and sit wearily on the pavement watched by a few British guards. Army Air Corps men pose for the camera - one sports a MVSN officer's cap. CU of US infantryman. Troops march along the quayside past LCI(L) 270 and LCI(L) 171. A party of soldiers go past in local horse-drawn transport. LCI(L) 127 is alongside, men unloading soldiers kit.
IV. MLS off the starboard bow of two LSTs steaming in line ahead. MS off the port bow of LST 322, upper deck crowded with trucks. A US liberty ship lies with DUKWs alongside. Final sequence shows transfer of mail between cameraship Carlisle and a Bachaquero Class LST.
Alternative Title:MEDITERRANEAN OPERATIONS OF THE ROYAL NAVY [Allocated Series Title]
Production Details: Gaumont British News (Production company)
Morley, H J (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Royal Navy, CARLISLE (HMS), cruiser (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LCIL 303 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LCIL 127 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LCIL 270 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LCIL 171 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, LST 322 (regiment/service)
Keywords: ships, British naval - cruiser: Carlisle (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LCI[L] 303 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LCI[L] 270 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LCI[L] 171 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LCI[L] 127 (object name)
ships, British naval - amphibious: LST 322 (object name)
ships, British auxiliary - amphibious: Bachaquero Class LST (object name)
ships, British civilian - cargo: [wrecked] (object name)