Summary: Four part visual presentation for new naval recruits showing aspects of the life of Royal Navy artificers (no commentary).
Description: I. Submarine at sea, both on surface and diving. A navigation problem arises, and boards are removed by 2 artificers and subjected to diagnostics. Freeze-frame. Fade to black between 138 ft and 146 ft.
II. HMS Collingwood shore establishment, Fareham: cadets' voices describe aspects of training over illustrative scenes, including radar and Seacat missile training. Responsibilities of artificers are discussed. Fade to black between 225 ft and 232 ft.
III. HMS Caledonia shore establishment, Rosyth: more voice-overs describe specialist training: classroom scenes, marine engineering, technical lecture. Qualifications mentioned. Fade to black between 303 ft and 311 ft.
IV. HMS Daedalus shore establishment at Lee-on-Solent. Naval aircraft training, maintenance in hangar including fixing aircraft hulls and repairing Sea King helicopter (cabin scene). Aeronautics are discussed. Fade to black.