Title:SAVINGS CERTIFICATES : how to buy them, how to use them [Main Title]
Film Number:IWM 530
Other titles:
Summary: British fictional film encouraging people to buy War Savings Certificates, 1917 (?).
Description: A stop-action sequence of a War Savings Fund card filling with sixpenny stamps until it transforms into a 15s 6d certificate. In five years time this becomes a pound note and in a further five years 26 shillings. Savings have many uses. The doctor recommends a holiday for a working class wife so her husband cashes his certificates to pay. At the seaside they decide to save more for their children's education. Later in life they have two teenage children. Their certificates pay for their daughter to attend Pitman's secretarial school and get "a good position" as a secretary. Both she and her boss save certificates. At home both children present their parents with their savings from certificates. In another household the husband is laid off work. His wife cashes her certificates to fund his own business, a small garage which rapidly expands. Certificates and stamps are sold in public houses and post offices. A "small capitalist" buys 500 certificates from his bank manager, the maximum allowed. The bank manager suggests he buy the same number for all members of his family, there is no income tax. A five hundred pound certificate is shown. A young suburban couple have been able to save enough War Savings Certificates to be able to fund their marriage. Later when married they have a small child. "Over 300 million certificates have been sold. 12 million people hold them." A poster advertising the certificates is burst through by a pointing finger, "What about YOU ?" The young suburban couple kiss, happy in financial security.
Production Details: Department of Information (Production sponsor)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Pitman's Secretarial School (regiment/service)
Keywords: propaganda, British - practical (object name)
society, British - domestic (object name)
economics, British general - commerce (object name)
society, British - romance (object name)
31/3(41) (event)
GB, England (geography)
class & [+] (concept)
Children (concept)
language (concept)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: English
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 1308 ft; Running time: 23 mins