Summary: Recruiting film for the Royal Navy, produced by or for the Navy League on the eve of the First World War.
Description: The film consists of stockshots and patriotic verse in Victorian style. It opens with Trafalgar Square on Trafalgar Day, 21st October: Nelson's column has floral wreaths, and there is a close-up of a floral tribute in the shape of a White Ensign with ribbons reading "Navy League" and "To Nelson". The plaque on HMS Victory marking the spot where Nelson fell. Preserving the Nelson tradition, a picture of Admiral Sir Charles Beresford, a particular hero of the League's. The submarine D.2 leaves Portsmouth harbour past HMS Victory. A torpedo boat patrolling the harbour. The battleship HMS Hibernia, with a Short S-41 seaplane on the runway built over the foredeck for trials in May 1912. The seaplane takes off from the water. Submarine C.34 on the surface. HMS Neptune at anchor with crew on deck, lowering the flag. The film appeals for men to crew the ships, ending with "God Save the King".
Production Details: Navy League (Production sponsor)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Beresford, Charles William de la Poer (person)
Royal Navy, Victory (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, Hibernia (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, Neptune (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, C34 (regiment/service)
Royal Navy, D2 (regiment/service)
Navy League (regiment/service)
Keywords: celebrations, British - popular: Trafalgar Day (object name)
ships, British naval - historical: Victory (object name)
ships, British naval - submarine: D2 (object name)
ships, British naval - battleship: Hibernia (object name)
aircraft, British naval - seaplane: Short S41 (object name)
ships, British naval - submarine: C34 (object name)
ships, British naval - battleship: Neptune (object name)
recruitment, British naval (object name)
operations, British naval air - sortie (object name)
buildings, British - monumental: Nelson's Column (object name)
propaganda, British - inspirational (object name)
31/3(41) (event)
GB, England & London, WC <Trafalgar Square> (geography)
Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Silent
Soundtrack language: None
Title language: None
Subtitle language: English
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 1
Footage: 254 ft; Running time: 5 mins