Summary: Film taken at Leith of the arrival by ship of internees returning from Europe, with the request "Watch the picture carefully, and see if you can identify anyone."
Description: Scenes of the returnees on deck, some waving Union Jacks; on shore, kilted soldiers and nurses wait. "The most of the Civilians came from the notorious Ruhleben Camp": pan across crowd of smiling faces. "Pipes of the Gordon Highlanders playing a welcome to the returning Prisoners": the pipers stand onshore, close to the ship. "Baby Russell, Born in Berlin six weeks ago. Mrs Russell is seen coming towards the front of the picture": the baby, wrapped in an enormous amount of swaddling clothes, is held by a nurse on deck as Mrs Russell, smiling nervously, makes her way forward. "Leith gives the returning War Prisoners a right royal welcome": a street parade, including shots of a fire engine carrying local dignitaries, a military band, uniformed soldiers (carrying a banner for the Scottish Federation of Discharged and Demobilized Sailors and Soldiers), the returnees travelling in lorries covered in flags and bunting, and cheering crowds. "Another Contingent arrives at Leith Harbour from Copenhagen with Civil and Military Prisoners. The Soldiers come mostly from Brandenburg Camp": shots of cheering men, some waving handkerchiefs, onboard ship; some smoke cigarettes; shot of a well-to-do woman handing out bars of chocolate. "Lieut. General Sir W R M'Cracken meets - Some of the 'Old Contemptibles'": M'Cracken greets soldiers on the dockside; others, upon disembarking, are greeted by well-wishers/loved ones. A young woman on the dockside holds the hand of one of those still on board. Final shots of parade; end caption "GREEN'S FILM SERVICE / SCOTTISH MOVING PICTURE NEWS / GLASGOW AND LONDON".