Summary: The competition between Army Forestry Companies from Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand at the Forestry Camp at Pont-Remy, France, 15th September 1918.
Description: The soldiers watch several forms of contest. A pillow fight between two men sitting astride a log suspended over water. A tree-stump felling contest, in which the four representatives each have to cut down a stump about three metres high. A similar competition to cut through a short log lying on the ground, won by the Australian whose fellows rush forward to cheer him. He poses in his shirt, shorts and bush hat with his axe beside the trunk. A third contest, including New Zealand Maoris, in chopping down medium-sized trees. Finally a 'log rolling' contest for men keeping balance standing on a log on the river, which they cross by rolling the log forward.
Production Details: Ministry of Information (Production sponsor)
Topical Film Company (Production company)
McDowell, J B (Production individual)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: British Army, Royal Engineers, Forestry Companies (regiment/service)
Canadian Army, Canadian Expeditionary Force (regiment/service)
Canadian Army, Engineers, Forestry Coy (regiment/service)
Australian Army, Australian Imperial Force (regiment/service)
Australian Army, Engineers, Forestry Companies (regiment/service)
New Zealand Military Forces, Engineers, Forestry Coy (regiment/service)
New Zealand Military Forces, New Zealand Div (regiment/service)
Keywords: recreation, British military - sport: tree felling contest (object name)
recreation, Australian military - sport: tree felling contest (object name)
recreation, Canadian military - sport: tree felling contest (object name)
recreation, New Zealand military - sport: tree felling contest (object name)
society, British military - friendship (object name)
society, Australian military - friendship (object name)
society, Canadian military - friendship (object name)
society, New Zealand military - friendship (object name)
01/3(4-15).9 (event)
Pont-Remy, Somme, France (geography)
Race (concept)