Title:THE GEN NO 8 : the Voice of the Service [Main Title]
Film Number:GEN 8
Other titles:
Description: I. "Pacific Front." Churchill stresses importance of the Pacific Front. Japanese Film of their Forces advancing - they are "used to dirt and filth," and they maltreat their animals - but now they are hard-pressed from all sides. a. India: Spitfires and Blenheims prepare. b. New Guinea: Australians push back the Japanese. c. Wake Island: USAF bombing attack (also Gilbert Islands). d. Tarawa: US troops at prayer before recapturing this fortified air-base; troops advance with flamethrowers. e. Burma: "war by infiltration" behind enemy lines. f. New Britain: carrier-borne aircraft attack enemy shipping; assault on Rabaul base. g. Bougainville: combined forces of MacArthur and Nimitz in the Solomon Islands. h. Marshall Islands: Massive air attack on this key sector of 'pre-war Japanese Empire'; landing at Kwajalein beach; Nimitz visits scene of battle. i. Truk: carrier aircraft take off to attack Japanese shipping. j. Saipan: aerial film of four-day bombardment and land advance; US troops with civilians. k. China: Chinese labourers (primitively equipped) build air-fields; Superfortresses. l. Conclusion: general 'advance' footage.
II. "Letter to Bert." 'North Country' description of life in the "dense bloody jungle," including Spitfire construction, air-ground strikes, and leisure activities.