Title:JUBILEE 1912-1962 : the story of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Air Force [Main Title]
Film Number:COI 296
Other titles:
Summary: A history of the RFC and RAF.
Description: Nuclear deterrence - the aircraft has changed history. Foundation of RFC, WW1. Modern fighter begins its career supporting advancing cavalry. Early naval floatplanes and bombers. Aerial warfare creates it own personalities - Smuts, Trenchard etc - and "permeated some with a kind of vainglory" - cut to Goering as a 1914-1918 air ace. After 1918 airmen turned to exploration and peaceful pursuits, but fear of war still encouraged aircraft development. RAF pageants were intended to reassure the public, but information about British air power was thus "laid on a plate" for potential aggressors. King George V Silver Jubilee air display - skills learned in perfecting such displays were to help RAF pilots repel the Germans. Foundation of the Luftwaffe - irony that prototype Bf 109 and Ju 87 both had Rolls Royce engines. Appeasement gives Britain time to prepare her defences. Battle of Britain. German defeat due to their leaders' indifference to science, eg radar. RAF bombing offensive. Advent of jet engines. Atomic bomb. Post-war RAF. Cadets trained at Cranwell - RAF is determined not to be caught unprepared. Peacetime activities - scientific expeditions, Berlin air lift, flood relief, Coronation flypast. Review of modern RAF aircraft, "sentinels of peace".
Production Details: Air Ministry (Production sponsor)
Central Office of Information (Production sponsor)
Basic Films (Production company)
Taylor, Shaw (Production cast)
Personalities, Units and Organisations: Göring, Hermann Wilhelm (person)
Smuts, Jan Christiaan (person)
Trenchard, Hugh Montague (person)
Royal Air Force (regiment/service)
Royal Air Force, Royal Flying Corps (regiment/service)
German Air Force (regiment/service)
Keywords: aircraft, German - combat: Junkers Ju 87 & Stuka (object name)
aircraft, German - combat: Messerschmitt Bf 109 (object name)
ceremonies, British - event-related: King George V Silver Jubilee Air Display (object name)
combat, British - air (object name)
society, British air - history: RAF and RFC (object name)
training, British air (object name)
GB, England & Cranwell, Lincs <RAF College> (geography)
Physical Characteristics: Colour format: B&W
Sound format: Sound
Soundtrack language: English
Title language: English
Subtitle language: None
Technical Details: Format: 35mm
Number of items/reels/tapes: 3
Footage: 2417 ft; Running time: 27 mins