Title:LOWELL THOMAS' FILM OF LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (re-assembled by Imperial War Museum) [Allocated Title]
Film Number:IWM 42
Other titles:
Summary: Alternative version of the film held as IWM 41, assembled by IWM staff to restore some approximate coherence to the material.
Description: The assembly groups the films into episodes as follows: (Reel 1) Salonika, the voyage to Egypt, the ceremony of the drums, the aeroplane flight; (Reel 2) the horse show, scenes at a 'cactus patch' location, a transport ship carrying Egyptian Labour Corps from Port Said to Jeddah, scenes at a beach location; (Reel 3) the main Lawrence material, with material on Arab cavalry and camels, and armoured cars, on a community living in rock caves, and on Feisal and Lawrence (and Thomas), ending with various parade scenes; (Reel 4) Jerusalem, camel train scenes, and lengthy coverage of British soldiers enjoying the discovery of a spilt wine keg on a road; (Reel 5) the Imperial Camel Corps, and an assembly of shots describable as local colour and general background.