Title:THE UNRELENTING STRUGGLE : from the speeches of Winston Churchill, 1940-1945 [Main Title]
Film Number:COI 101
Other titles:
Summary: Excerpts from the war speeches of Winston Churchill accompanied by a montage of film illustrative of the words spoken and of the history behind the speeches.
Description: The excerpts come from the June 18, 1940 statement to Parliament ('Their finest hour'); February 9, 1941 broadcast ('Give us the tools'); June 22, 1941 Broadcast ('At 4 o'clock Hitler attacked Russia'); February 15, 1942 broadcast ('The shadow of a heavy and far-reaching military defeat' - Singapore); November 10, 1942 Mansion House speech ('Not the end... the end of the beginning'); November 29, 1942 broadcast ('We may certainly be glad'); June 30, 1943 Guildhall speech ('Of all the wars that we have ever waged'); November 9, 1943 Mansion House speech ('A year of almost unbroken victory'). At this stage the pace accelerates, and film conveys a rapid impression of action from D-Day to the end of the war, accompanied only by the tune 'Lillibulero'. Closing excerpt from May 8, 1945 Broadcast ('Brief period of rejoicing... toil and effort lie ahead'). Winston Churchill himself is seen only in this last excerpt at the microphone.