Summary: An animated Royal Naval instructional film on the handling of ships in open sea, close to the shore and around a harbour.
Description: (Reel 1) I: Wind and Tide. The effects of wind and tide on navigation.
II: The Four Forces. Conveys basic principal of navigation that a boat is simply a floating object, affected by wind, tidal stream (both uncontrolable forces) and the propeller and rudder (controllable forces). The essense of handling ships is to work with these forces. A cable or hauser can also be used as an additional force. This overview is followed by detailed explanation of the operation of a rudder and of the relationsip between the rudder and the wind.
III: 'Watch the Wind and Tidal Stream'. Navigating close to land with the forces of wind and tide. 'Watch the Land'. Bringing a ship to shore. 'Coming to Single Anchor'. Bringing a ship to rest in the correct place.
(Reel 2) IV: 'Entering Harbour'. 'Proceeding to a harbour'. 'Leaving a buoy'.
V: 'Propellers'. 'Propeller and Rudder'. 'Turning Short Round'.
(Reel 3) VI: 'Coming Alongside a Ship'. 'No Winde Tidal System'. Offshore Wind. 'Securing Alongside'.
VII: Leaving the Jetty. Warping. Special Types: trawler, Ship in ballast, destroyer, MGB, landing craft light'.
(Reel 4) VIII: Berthing Alongside. Turning At Rest. Berthing.
(Reel 5) IX: Leaving a Jetty. Twin Screw Ship.
(Reel 5) X: The Effects of Interaction. Attempting to Replenish. Replenishment Astern.